Saturday, December 15, 2007
Finding a Home With Good Feng Shui
By Tom Coxon
Why should you be interested in the feng shui of a house when you're searching for a new home ? Well it's the one time when you have the opportunity to make some pretty major improvements to the influences around you. In theory, you can buy any old house, get the builders in and change the feng shui. But are you willing to move the door, rebuild the back wall, move the drive, or even relocate the bathroom for that matter?
In practice, most people exchange contracts on the one they're selling, the one they're buying and move in, all on the same day. So even if the money and motivation are there, there usually isn't time - so what you buy in terms of the feng shui is usually what you move in to. Therefore it makes sense to do what you can to assess the feng shui beforehand, along with the beautiful garden, rising damp, brand new kitchen, number of bedrooms, proximity to good schools etc.
How do you go about that? Patterns of influence get "passed along" from one set of occupants to the next. So if you can find out how the previous occupants got on whilst living there, you've got a fair idea of what's in store for you.
Let me give you a couple of examples of influences getting "passed along".
In one house I know about, the vendors daughter, who had lived there since she was two, was doing exceptionally well in school - on track for entering Oxford or Cambridge University by her early teens. The purchasers children, who were in their early teens when they moved in, both went on to get First Class Honors Degrees.
In another house, couple after couple moved in and then split up whilst living there. That kind of house is fine if you're single and planning to stay that way (it will actually help you do so), but if you're happily married with a family, you might want to look elsewhere if you come across one like that.
If you're in any doubt about the feng shui of a house, it makes sense to keep searching for a better one. But if you've really got your heart set on a house with suspect feng shui, it also makes sense to ask a feng shui professional to take a look at it and advise you on whether it can be changed and what would be needed to do so, just as you would ask a professional if the roof line was sagging or you were worried about the rising damp.
Thomas Coxon is an independent feng shui practitioner who has carried out more than a thousand professional consultations mainly in the UK. His website at contains a lot of useful information, whether you want to try it yourself, get trained to do it properly, or engage the services of someone who has.
Copyright © 2007 Thomas Coxon, All Rights Reserved
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Monday, October 1, 2007
Feng Shui Decorating Guidelines
By Jakob Jelling
The importance of following feng shui decorating guidelines.
Feng shui decorating guidelines show us the correct way to place objects, furniture and how to decorate in order to achieve harmony. Living and working spaces and their decorations affect the people inhabiting them, and feng shui decorating knowledge studies the way to make that factor affect in a positive and harmonic way.
If you want to learn and be able to follow feng shui decorating tips, the first thing to do is to learn about feng shui in general and its main concepts. By learning this, you will find yourself naturally acquiring information on how to decorate any different spaces according to feng shui.
According to feng shui decorating guidelines, the way and the position in which we place our furniture, the colors we choose, the different objects and places we choose for them, everything can be done in a way that ensures harmony. Actually, in China people are used to look for a feng shui expert to guide them in occasions such as when they buy a new house.
Following feng shui decorating guidelines is not the same as decorating in order to make a space pretty or nice looking but it is about making it be in harmony with us. Actually, many times a decoration done by following feng shui would not look nice or be esthetically correct at all. By following feng shui, we could end up doing some of the things we would never have thought to do in our decoration.
For example, the position we place a bed can have main importance according to feng shui decorating tips. A bed should be placed in a position that allows the person to easily look at the door, but at the same time it should not be facing it directly and it should be against a wall. Even if this leads to an option which you wouldn’t have thought of for you to place your bed, you should do so in order to be able to sleep well and comfortable.
Feng shui does not see decoration with the same eyes a merely esthetically based decoration does. Feng shui decorating guidelines are meant to help people make their spaces as much harmonic and positive for their inhabitants as possible, even if esthetics have to be sacrificed for it.
About The Author
Jakob Jelling is the founder of Please visit his website and learn all the feng shui tips you'll ever need!
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007
How To Effectively Use Feng Shui In Your Apartment
It is sometimes a trying and exhausting effort to implement feng shui in the apartment due to the layouts and the way the apartment itself is positioned. It is quite simple to break it down and divide your apartment up into spaces that are private as well as public. Public shares the spaces with others in the apartment that live there also or you entertain in these areas of your home and it is an imperative puzzle piece when putting feng shui in the apartment.
It then goes without saying that the single most important thing in this circumstance is that you apply feng shui in the apartment and especially in this private area of the bedroom. This will have the most impact on your in this way of speaking when you allow the flow of feng shui in the apartment.
It also goes without saying that the feng shui in the apartment needs to be flowing smoothly and as well as can be expected with the space and areas you are provided. It could be that you have a roommate and don’t have the option to transform the entire apartment into feng shui in the apartment and that is okay.
It is hard to deal with someone else but you can strengthen the energy of feng shui in the apartment by getting some lovely green vegetation such as plants and put them in the living room. Selecting a nice wind chime can also broaden the energy flowing through the apartment by also putting it in the living room or by the front door, wherever feng shui in the apartment dictates.
Most apartment dwellers and renters think that it is impossible to add the energy of putting feng shui in the apartment because they don’t own it and can’t physically make changes however feng shui is not about remodeling. It’s nice to have the flow running in the proper manner but this can’t always be the case and that is why you rearrange certain items and add color.
There is more to adding feng shui to the apartment then tearing down walls; subtle color on the walls maybe by use of a drape or other hangings can improve your wealth for example and requires no painting. For example, in the area of your home that you have the plants and bookcases, maybe adding some pencils and a pad of paper to encourage thoughts could help the feng shui in the apartment.
If you want to learn more feng shui tips for office please visit our site which is free to the public. You'll find the best tips on everything to do with feng shui tips
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Be Different: The Feng Shui Mirror
Stress comes from everyday living. Whether it be at work, home, or anywhere else, it is difficult to keep things in perspective. That is one reason why Feng Shui has become so popular among everyone looking to create balance in their life, even when they look at themselves. A Feng Shui mirror is not only for looking at yourself, but it is a new way to see yourself; here is why.
The basics behind Feng Shui start with your working and/or living space. In order to put energy (or "chi") into your life to pursue your aspirations, you first have to rid yourself of the ailments in your living/working quarters. The literal meaning of Feng Shui is “wind and water” -- feng is the wind that carries chi throughout the space and shui is the water that swims beneath the earth-supporting chi, so it creates a free flow of chi in the environment.
See the Difference
The prime purpose of Feng Shui is to parallel your physical space with your personal goals. Thus, a person has to change the objects within their dwelling in order to keep their goals within sight. With a Feng Shui mirror, it won’t only help you see yourself; it will also help you see yourself without negativity. For instance, if you place the Feng Shui mirror in front of whatever is negative in your bedroom or other room, then it will reflect the object, and keep it away from you.
If you need to have a room for relaxation, place a mirror where the negative energy is keeping you from calm, such as a machine or other electronic device. When you need to have other elements or energy in your room, a Feng Shui mirror will help you bring in that chi. Place your Feng Shui mirror facing towards a window, where the element is and the reflection will bring the element’s chi into the room.
If you are willing to try something new to de-stress your life, considering the art of Feng Shui could help you. Although an ancient practice, it is believed to chase away the negative energy in a particular space and only stream in positive chi. Using a Feng Shui mirror is not just about positioning your mirror a particular way, it is a way to see yourself differently and in an optimistic light.
Do you know what is Feng Shui For Love? Article Source: |
Learn How to Solve Problems With a Feng Shui Mirror
A mirror, when becoming a feng shui mirror, can be used to many more things than allowing us to see how we look. Feng shui teaches how a feng shui mirror can be used in order to solve many different problems, and we will describe some of these uses through the next few lines.
One first way to use a feng shui mirror is to send something negative away. By placing the mirror facing whatever is negative to your space, the mirror would reflect it back not allowing it to affect you negatively. Therefore, if you have an object or a shape which disharmonizes, then you can neutralize its effect by placing the feng shui mirror facing it.
A feng shui mirror can also be used when you have a low ceiling and it has a pushing down effect on you. In this case, you should place a mirror facing the ceiling in order to make it reflect it. The mirror should be placed at some spot above your head level so it reflects the ceiling back before its pushing effect reaches you.
Another use a feng shui mirror can have is when your bedroom or any other room in which you need to be relaxed is placed above somewhere with machines or a garage. In these cases, placing a mirror on the floor and facing down wouldn't let the machines energy and the disturbances have a bad effect on you.
Sometimes there is an object or element which you may need at a specific spot but you can not actually place it there, when this happens, a feng shui mirror can be the solution. If you need the presence of things such as an object or a color and you can not place it where you need, you can put a feng shui mirror reflecting it in order to have it represented through that reflection where you need.
By using a feng shui mirror, you can also bring elements which are outside your house and belong to the nature. In order to achieve this, all you have to do is place the mirror inside your house facing that element through a window and that reflection would be as if that natural element was into the house.
About The Author
Jakob Jelling is the founder of Please visit his website and learn all the feng shui tips you'll ever need!
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Feng Shui Bathroom Wealth
Feng Shui has tried, true, and time tested wealth strategies that integrate theories based on Feng Shui Elements. Feng Shui colors and tools such as the Feng Shui Baguato provide followers the secret keys to lasting prosperity. If you did a Feng Shui Study, you would be fascinated by the relationship Feng Shui establishes between the bathroom and wealth. Read on and you will not only help you discover new ways to improve prosperity but will also provide to deepen your understanding of this popular practice which has strong spiritual and scientific basis
Even if you’re a Feng Shui beginner, you’re probably familiar with Feng Shui bagua (Feng Shui map of a space), and know that family area is a good place for the living room, or that a Feng Shui office is best placed in the knowledge, wealth or career sectors. You may also know that Feng Shui bed room is best placed in the marriage corner of the Feng Shui house. But do you know where the Feng Shui bathroom should be located if you’re seeking wealth? Probably not but that’s o.k. This article on Feng Shui bathroom wealth was written specifically to highlight the importance of a ‘Feng Shui bathroom’ — how it can increase or decrease wealth in your home.
As most of the Feng Shui practices have strong scientific basis, there are two important rules of thumb that you need to remember when deciding the location of a bathroom. First you need to know that, the bathroom and toilet are primarily governed by and driven by the element Water. In Feng Shui, Water is associated with wealth, prosperity, career and good cash flow. Secondly, you should keep in mind that bathrooms are associated with elimination and waste. With these two considerations in mind, it is easier to understand the main rules that apply to the layout and location of this space.
Without a clearly marked out space in Feng Shui bagua, the bathroom is a little out of place anywhere, but thanks to the time tested Feng Shui wisdom, you can easily identify problems with your bathroom (cash flow blockages, drained finances, etc.) that are detrimental to your wealth (it can block your cash flow, drain your finances, and add to your financial stress). Although some of locations are more troublesome than others, one of the best Feng Shui tips to keep in mind here is that a defective bathroom plumbing has a draining effect wherever it is located.
According to traditional Feng Shui some bathroom locations which can have negative effect on your wealth. These locations include:
Bathrooms next to or above the front door. Bathrooms on the second floor directly above the kitchen or front door Bathrooms in the center of the office Bathrooms under the stairs
It may seem restrictive but the reasons are sound when you reason using Feng Shui principles. For instance a bathroom in the front hall, close to the door, or a bathroom at the end of straight hall way can drain Chi away before it has a chance to circulate through the rest of the house.
Wang’s aim has been to create a total system for anyone interested in Feng Shui—not just the physical aspect of it, but also the promise of universal harmony, of spiritual contentment. website is more than a mere website on Feng Shui. Wang has major emphasis on wealth and prosperity through feng shui by placing it at right position in office, bathroom etc.
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Feng Shui - From The Beginning
Feng shui is the ancient Chinese art said to increase the flow of positive chi, (aka positive life energy), in a space.
Through increasing the levels of chi and allowing it to freely move within and around a given space, Feng Shui can help it's practitioners to reach their personal goals. For millenia, the principles of Feng Shui have been used to bring success in the relationships, in business dealings and also helping to win new friends and allies.
The literal translation of Feng Shui means "wind and water”, two of nature's most powerful symbols. Feng Shui practice helps create an optimal environment for chi to flow freely and easily, just as wind or water does in nature.
Feng Shui has traditionally been practiced by experts.
It was created by a spiritual master who was first and foremost a student of nature and the spiritual realm.
More than 3 millenia ago, he created a basic set of rules meant to optimize the positive attributes of an area by increasing positive chi. His dream of making auspicious homes and workplaces which helped those living and working within to attract good luck and prosperity whilst at the same time enabling them to make the most of opportunity when it comes knocking at their door.
Feng Shui quickly increased in popularity and credibility in China. People began to gain knowledge and skill in the subject.
Eventually, Feng Shui found new followers all over the globe. Today many home-owners and business-owners consult Feng Shui experts when decorating rooms. Feng shui consultants have thousands of years of accumulated knowledge at their disposal.
An expert can transform the energy of any kind of an area.
Over time, several different schools of Feng Shui have emerged, each with its own perspective and strategies. The main schools are:
* The Compass School
* The Form School
* The Black Hat Sect
Down through the centuries, practitioners have refined the art into a mathematical science. Feng shui is much easier to apply to a space today than it used to be because there are clearer guidelines to allow even an untrained person to apply this knowledge to the home or office space.
Feng shui can help you create a feeling of balance and harmony in any space of any size. A little bit of knowledge can indeed go a very long way.
Tracy O'Brien is a long time student and practitioner of the ancient art of Feng Shui. She is also the founder of
For more Feng Shui Tips and a FREE Feng Shui Astrology Personality Profile, visit:
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The Ten Most Important Feng Shui Design Tips
If you wish to learn how to manage interior design according to feng shui design guidelines, there are some major tips you must know. We wish to help you achieve a balanced and harmonic feng shui design for any environment you wish it to be. Read the next paragraphs and learn the feng shui design most important tips.
1. Feng shui design should always be done having the people who will be in it in mind. People's comfort must be a priority, and all you do must be done thinking of that.
2. You should be guided by the bagua map and the areas it indicates within that space in order to distribute objects and furniture in it.
3. Make use of the main feng shui elements. An interior design uses furniture and objects which may contain the different elements. These elements should always be in harmonic quantities and according to the bagua map indications.
4. You should choose colors according to what they symbolize and represent. Different colors represent different elements and have different symbolisms.
5. Good feng shui design does not allow dark spots in it since that doesn't allow chi flowing properly.
6. You should choose carefully the shapes of the objects and furniture; different shapes provide different feelings as well as tend to balance in different ways.
7. Couches and chairs should always be placed in a way that allows those who sit on them to easily look at the door.
8. According to feng shui design guidelines beds should not be right across the door and ideally should have a wall at one side as protection.
9. Mirrors should be placed strategically, thought according to the light amount wished as well as which objects you wish it to reflect.
10. Correct feng shui design would allow people to feel good and comfortable in that interior without really noticing it has been carefully thought of. It should be natural and balanced, providing comfort to those occupying it.
About The Author
Jakob Jelling is the founder of Please visit his website and learn all the feng shui tips you'll ever need!
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Feng Shui - How To Feng Shui In The Bathroom
If you are searching for tips on how to properly bring feng shui in the bathroom in your home you may become exhausted before you find what you are looking for. The reason for this is in large part due to the fact that feng shui is hundreds of years old and when these basic principles were born, there were no such things as bathrooms indoors and especially in your house.
This doesn’t mean that it is impossible to bring feng shui in the bathroom because it certainly is if you follow the basic ba gua map that is the foundation of adding feng shui to any space. There are some tips that have been created by modern feng shui masters that can help you balance out the feng shui energies in your home.
Common Feng Shui Bathroom Fixes
There are many issues that cause problems when trying to incorporate feng shui in the bathroom and these are generally due to the location of the bathroom. A bathroom that is located above the front door for example, will generate negative energy and compromise the fire energy, which can be devastating to health and prosperity. While a bathroom that is located next to the front door can have the effects of draining the entire house of positive feng shui energy before it has even had the chance. These are common problems are often have common solutions so let’s look at a few of the incorporating feng shui in the bathroom fixes.
So you have a bathroom that is located above your kitchen or front door and this is proven to be a very negative force in the feng shui energies for the house. In order to correct this and properly bring feng shui in the bathroom chances are you are not going to renovate your house because of this issue. The good thing is that you don’t even have to tear out walls because in order to rectify this situation and bring feng shui in the bathroom, all you have to do is place a round mirror on the ceiling above the toilet. This will reverse the downward flow of water. It is also suggested to hang a crystal in the center of the room and place earthy objects such as plants to stabilize energies within the bathroom.
Incorporating feng shui in the bathroom when your bathroom is located near the entrance of your home can be reversed by hanging a large full length mirror on the outside of the bathroom door. The purpose of this is to deflect away the positive energies from the bathroom so they won’t be drained with the downward pull of the water from the bathroom. It is also helpful to keep the toilet lid closed as well as the drains when they are not in use.
If you want to learn more feng shui products please visit our site which is free to the public. You'll find the best tips on everything to do with feng shui tips
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The Five Feng Shui Elements and Their Characteristics
Feng shui handles five main elements in order to achieve harmony and balance in any space. These five feng shui elements are: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Each one of them has its own characteristics and properties, and we will detail them in the following lines.
According to Chinese traditions, everything is constantly changing and interacting and that happens through these five main elements. Feng shui traditional knowledge and all its guidelines are based on these five feng shui elements. Therefore, when wishing to harmonize a place according to feng shui, these elements must be properly employed according to their characteristics and effects.
One first feng shui element is wood, which has the Chinese name of Mu. Wood represents innovation, creativity and birth, and it is a sociable element. This element corresponds to the color green and the east direction. By placing this element at a strategic spot in any space, you would be adding all of which it represents.
Another feng shui element is fire, called Huo in China. Fire symbolizes and brings activity, enthusiasm and energy to the places where it can be found. It is a warm element that must be treated with measure since too much of it can destroy what surrounds it. Fire is represented by the color red and direction south, and symbolizes the puberty years.
A next element is earth or Tu in Chinese. This feng shui element symbolizes stability, patience and honesty. It is a methodic element that can also become demanding, and is ideal for everything that is related with real estate and inheritances. Earth is symbolized by color yellow and is representative of the early youth years.
Metal or Jin in Chinese is another main feng shui element. It represents success in businesses and harvesting. It can also represent a knife or cutting metal and be destructive through it. White and gold are the colors that symbolize it, and its direction is west. This feng shui element symbolizes the adult years of human life.
One last element is water, called Shui in Chinese. It has a very important role among feng shui elements, and actually the name feng shui contains its name in it, meaning water and wind. Water mainly represents communications and traveling. But it also represents learning, arts and media. Water is elemental for living, not only for humans but also animals and plants. It can be quiet or violent. This element is represented by the color black and direction north, and symbolizes the old human years.
About The Author
Jakob Jelling is the founder of Please visit his website and learn all the feng shui tips you'll ever need!
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Feng Shui Products
Feng Shui – the Chinese art and practice of positioning and designing things so as to improve the quality of life — is a very ancient tradition, and yet it continues to be popular and widely used today. Could it be because of its long-time proven effectiveness? Or simply because it was well-accepted in the ancient and pre-modern times and so now in the modern age, people have just carried on this old tradition?
Whether Feng Shui is true or not, reality is that a lot of people still adhere to its principles. And this steadfast popularity of Feng Shui greatly influences other people to use Feng Shui as well. Business tycoons, famous politicians, movie actors, and other big personalities who believe in this ancient art of placement are among the biggest influences.
Several Feng Shui products have also found their way to public markets. These are very attractive even to persons who are not necessarily strong Feng Shui believers. In fact, most of the buyers of these Feng Shui products are hopefuls – they are taking their chances in products which may bring them some good luck or more fortune.
Feng Shui prosperity stones are one of the most popular Feng Shui products you can buy almost anywhere are. They are also known as the Ammolites. They are believed to have healing properties, so they are mostly used by those who have physical, emotional, psychological, and even spiritual ailments.
There is also the ever popular Ba-Gua Octagon. It is strategically placed in homes and offices to determine the preferred locations of the rooms in the building. The mirror on the octagon is also said to drive mad energy away. The front door must be at the bottom of the octagon.
Other products are figurines made of Chinese jade, old Chinese wood, luxurious chests and boxes with traditional Chinese dragon designs. To some, these Feng Shui products are more than just bringers of luck. They may not even be interested in its effects to one’s fortune, but rather to its ornamental features, its age, its material, and the story behind it. Collectors, historians, and artists are among those who may also be very interested in these Feng Shui items.
Feng Shui provides detailed information on Feng Shui, Feng Shui Products, Feng Shui Tips, Feng Shui Decorating and more. Feng Shui is affiliated with Free House Plans.
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Feng Shui
The location, design, and facing of the house, the arrangement of the furniture, the position of the mirrors - these are just some of the things that matter to someone who embraces the concept of Feng Shui, a famous 3,000-year old Chinese practice.
A lot of business moguls and big-wigs consult Feng Shui experts to ensure prosperity and good fortune. Even common individuals who simply want to make their homes, their work, and their relationships happy and fruitful employ ideas from this ancient art.
You probably have heard a lot about it, too, and are very eager to consult Feng Shui experts or use Feng Shui ideas. But what is Feng Shui really?
Surely, you don't want to suffer great losses or simply become unfortunate instead of savoring success mainly because you missed an important point in Feng Shui. It pays to get the right information. Don't just believe, be sure you have sufficient basis for the things you believe in.
To give you an overview of its origin, Feng Shui is an old practice of placing and arranging things or matters to achieve harmony and balance with the environment. It literally stands for "wind and water," which was taken from the Book of Burial of the Chinese.
Ancient Chinese civilizations used Feng Shui in designing or laying out their cities and villages, in building their tombs and houses. Today, architects and interior designers also integrate principles of Feng Shui in their works. However, unlike Feng Shui experts who "feel" the positive energy, they do not rely mainly on their intuition. Instead, they follow highly complex and complicated Feng Shui rules.
The practice of Feng Shui and the application of Feng Shui principles are varied, as Feng Shui itself is so complicated. However, many Feng Shui principles go back to common sense. For example, kitchen doors should never be in front of a stove. Of course, for safety reasons, you should not do this.
If you want to try Feng Shui ideas, though, be sure you don't miss one very important point: There can be no success without action. If you yourself do not act, success will not draw closer to you - even if you use lots of Ba-Guas in your home or in your office.
Feng Shui provides detailed information on Feng Shui, Feng Shui Products, Feng Shui Tips, Feng Shui Decorating and more. Feng Shui is affiliated with Free House Plans.
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Feng Shui
Feng shui (fengshui), pronounced in English as [fʊŋ'ʃweɪ] ("fung shway") or [fɛŋ'ʃuːi] ("feng shoo-ee"), is the ancient Chinese practice of placement and arrangement of space to achieve harmony with the environment. Feng shui literally translates as "wind-water." This is a cultural shorthand taken from the following passage of the Zhangshu (Book of Burial) by Guo Pu of the Jin Dynasty:[1]
The qi that rides the wind stops at the boundary of water.[2]
In its traditional form, Feng shui is a discipline with guidelines that are compatible with many techniques of architectural planning. Space, weather, astronomy, and geomagnetism are basic components of feng shui. Proponents claim that feng shui has an effect on health, wealth, and personal relationships.
This blog is about how Feng Shui can help your money making ventures online and making it successful. This includes ads placement, keywords choice, color themes and desktop arrangement so that our blogs will be in harmony with the laws of nature.